Clinically validated deep learning segmentation for Radiotherapy
Scans are contoured in seconds using preferred structure set templates from planning.
Contours generated automatically and sent immediately to treatment planning system after each scan. Configure once, implement in workflow forever.
Extensive library of clinically validated anatomical structures ready for immediate use out of the box.
State of the art deep learning entirely
on local computers. No cloud transfer
of patient data required.
5 - 10x faster than manual contouring
Extensive Structure Library
Limbus Contour features a large selection of organs at risk (OAR) and clinical target volume (CTV) contours that work out of the box immediately. No atlas creation or local curation of data necessary. All typical organs at risk and CTV structures included (over 110 structures).

Head and Neck
Elective Neck Lymph Node CTV
Choose from a combined structure volume including level IB, II, III, IV, V, VIIa/b. Or choose individual split sub-levels.
Unmatched Security and Speed
Limbus Contour is the only autocontouring solution that runs entirely on your existing clinical workstations. No GPU or cloud data sharing required. Contours available in 1-3 minutes when running on a typical Intel CPU. GPU acceleration available for high-throughput use cases for even faster local contouring times.
Easy to Setup
AI contours up and running in minutes with your existing treatment planning system.​
Setup in Minutes
Get automatic contouring up and running in less than an hour. Create Templates and customize contour metadata to match your treatment protocols. Configure Limbus Contour to detect the correct treatment site and apply the appropriate Template for planning.​
Vendor Neutral
Contours exported as compliant DICOM RT-Structure files. Supports a wide variety of treatment planning systems. No plug-ins or extensions needed.​
Supported Platforms
Supports Windows (7 and above) and MacOS (10.14+). No GPU required. One click install on an existing workstation. No cloud, no patient data privacy concerns.
Full Automation
CT images processed immediately after each scan. Limbus Contour detects and applies the correct clinical template, and sends the contours to the treatment planning system for manual review.